2004-01-20 - 8:45 p.m.

-rolls my eyes- -sigh- she's so childish. I swear. ok well I get an email back from her and it said "leave me alone." ok I will. She wants me to leave her alone and yet she wants to read my journal..? yeah makes sense...dumb bitch. but whatever, I'm not suprised at all. I'm not locking my journal because I have nothing to hide, unlike her. I'm writing whatever the fuck I want to write in here. UGH! She fucking pisses me off. How can she act like this???? She needs to grow some fucking balls. a fucking spine, some guts whatever. She always ran from her problems. Instead of facing them, ran. Ran like the little chicken shit she is. I'll just say I'm better off and say FUCK IT. she wants to be a stupid bitch? fine. dumb bitch. anyway...
I just finished a PB and J sandwich. it was good. sucks without milk though. oh well. Did you know that after trying a threesome, more woman want to continue while the man only wants to try it once or twice? it's true. weird eh? oh yeah, I think it was yesterday or the day before, someone asked me if I regretted never cheating on Rebekah. what kind of shit is that???? "OF COURSE NOT" I told them, "it's against my morals." True, before Rebekah I didn't care but Rebekah did help me. and now I have my morals. OOooo..I bought the "will to live" CD online today. they are an awesome band. I saw them back in SD when me, kim, miggy pop, forrest, steve-O, and Paul went to a show. M'listening to NIN right now...very nice. I'm going to go take a shower now...good bye.

Right now I'm jamming to:MUSIC: NIN "somewhat damaged"
I feel:MOOD: not suprised

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book :x: past and done :x: stalk me :x: piece o shit :x: yours truly :x: leave me a note

it's over - 2005-02-19
just not happy - 2004-07-06
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[weihfdocvnlk - 2004-03-12
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